You Are Loved

True Love is a powerful force that makes us do the seemingly impossible; This was the kind of Love that made Jesus Christ do what He did on the cross for you and I. He was crucified as the Lamb of God, He was buried and resurrected on the third day as the first that ever went through that for our sins, when we accept His sacrifice, we become connected to the power of His resurrection into new spiritual life that enables us to be able to do the supposedly impossible like Him. You can accept this love and power now by saying: My Jesus, cleanse me of my sins, be the Lord of my Life, Holy Spirit be my teacher from now. Amen. Thinking of the Bible as a book used in swearing in of many leaders of world nations, I believe it would be worth it to know a bit of what is in it. Take some time to read the Gospels. Blessings.