March 2nd – The Solution is Jesus Christ!

When you notice these progression of things being stolen from you, you started loosing things of great value and even life to the point of destruction, then then there is a thief(the enemy) the devil present in your space. If you would let Jesus Christ come into your life, He said He has come to give you life in all areas of your life and even abundantly. If you have not accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and saviour, why not do that now and say

Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I accept that I am sinner and I accept you died in my place that I may live, forgive me my sins, come into my life to be my Lord and savior.

If you have prayed thier prayer, I join you in praying that from this moment, every thief, killer and destroyer of life currently in operation in your life be chased out by the fire of the Holy Ghost in the name of Jesus Christ Son of the Living God.

Remember, do not forsake the gathering of the people of God. Hebrews 10:25

God’s good blessings to you.

Gospel Lights of Fire Ministries.

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