Point 1: Praising God through dance can never allow a spiritual load on your soul and mind to stand still on your head, no one can carry a heavy load while giving God a wonderful dance, they fall off you.
Point 2: Praising God through Dance set into motion the resources God has already provided within your reach into motion, when we dance we put those resources to work to produce what God has already given us.
Point 3: Praising God with Dancing set your dried troubled bush in your circle on fire, if you have seen a fire burn it moves in the motion of Dance moves, so when you dance you can set your problems on fire.
Prayer: From today, let everything that is in you receive the enablement of the fire of the living to begin to give praises to God in Dancing in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen
Have a great week
Gospel Lights of Fire Evangelistic Ministries